Repetition and quality of pelvic floor muscle training in women with pelvic organ prolapse with at least one delivery

Summary: Pelvic floor disorders are among the common complaints of women’s clinics, and one third of adult women suffer from these disorders. The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the method and extent of pelvic floor muscle training in women with prolapse. Materials and methods: By referring to women’s clinics in Qom city, 011 people who had some degree of prolapse were selected by random sampling method. Simple and based on clinical examination and using Valsalva maneuver by gynecologists or by referring to patients’ files in Shahid Beheshti Hospital, Qom, they were selected and studied. The required data was collected using face-to-face interviews and then analyzed. 02% of women were under 82 kg/m2. Only 41.91 ± 4.11 years old and their average body mass index was 40.96 ± 01. Findings: The average age of the participants was 1078 percent of the samples did pelvic floor exercises to 12 percent performed pelvic floor exercises after giving birth. had given 88/ training of pelvic floor exercises and among them, 2688 percent had received group training in pregnancy preparation classes. 77% of individual training and 81% of training exercises were learned correctly. 775% of the people were followed up by the trainer to do the exercises. / All people were oral and practical training was not done. Only 55. Conclusion: Pelvic floor muscle training in women with at least one delivery and with prolapse is not done adequately and due to the lack of follow-up by the trainer, a small number of people do the exercises. Keywords: prolapse. Pelvic organs, pelvic floor, muscles, education, childbirth, women